Tuesday, August 25, 2009

{senior beauty}

Here is a preview of just a few beautiful images we got! Having a senior session was a refreshing session...I didn't have to chase after her! :) "K"...hope you enjoy these so far! You were great to work with, fashionable and beautiful!!! Thanks again!

Monday, August 24, 2009

{meet Kate}

This little newly one year old is as cute as can be! She also happens to be my friend's little one.
Hope you enjoy these so far "L"...it was fun chasing her around! I forgot how on the go a one year old is! :) At least I got a bit of a workout in once!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

{family of 5}

Here is a quick preview for you "M&D"...THANKS and I will have plenty more to show you soon! You have a beautiful family!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Here is a quick preview for you "D" and "N"....THANKS so much and hope you all got to cool off in the pool! :) You all were so fun!

Monday, August 10, 2009

{Christmas time is coming!}

That is right! Christmas!!! YIKES!!! :) Just wanted to show a quick sample of just one of many Christmas cards I'm offering this year. There are some pretty cute ones! If you are interested in Christmas cards for this year with images of your session just let me know! I'd love to show you some samples of what I can do.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

{my little man}

is growing up too fast! My child that I could hardly get to eat now eats CONSTANTLY! All day long I hear "I'm hungry mom". One more year and he is off to school. How time flys. Just had to post this sweet picture of him from this summer...one that I had overlooked at the time but so glad I looked at it again.


It is illegal to print, scan and copy images. Images are protected under copyright laws and belong to Heidi McGowan Photography. Please do not attempt to copy and steal these images.

About Me

My photo
I am blessed to be a wife of an incredible man, a mommy of 2 sweet little ones, a hairstylist of almost 12 years, and loving this new adventure of a hobby...photography. This "hobby" and small business of mine is meant to be fun which is why I am also taking a limited amount of sessions each month. If you are interested in a session and I am not available I do have a waiting list if something would happen to open up. I look forward to meeting you and your precious ones!


favorite image of the month

favorite image of the month
