Saturday, May 23, 2009

{4 years}

4 years old and alot of fun! :) I definetly could not out run this little man...he was fast but did soooo great for me. Thanks "A"....hope you enjoy these for now! I have so many more to show you and a warning....I can't decide which ones are my favorites. (that is why I posted a few more)

Monday, May 11, 2009

{baby love}

This little man is soooooo cute and tiny! Enjoy your peak of "W"....we had so much fun! :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

{6 months}

6 months old and a whole lot of cute!!! This is my niece and this smile is on her face almost all the time. LOVE her!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

{family of 3}

A quick few of my favorite images from today. What a beautiful day and what a fun little one year old! :) She is the cutest little girl with such personality at one year old! What a sweetpea. Thanks "K&B"...hope you enjoy your preview!


It is illegal to print, scan and copy images. Images are protected under copyright laws and belong to Heidi McGowan Photography. Please do not attempt to copy and steal these images.

About Me

My photo
I am blessed to be a wife of an incredible man, a mommy of 2 sweet little ones, a hairstylist of almost 12 years, and loving this new adventure of a This "hobby" and small business of mine is meant to be fun which is why I am also taking a limited amount of sessions each month. If you are interested in a session and I am not available I do have a waiting list if something would happen to open up. I look forward to meeting you and your precious ones!


favorite image of the month

favorite image of the month
