This cute 2 year old was so fun to chase around. After 2 rescheduled sessions due to rain- we got a windy but beautiful day! Enjoy your preview of your session. Thanks "D & H"! :) -Heidi
Here is a little glimpse of your images from today "H"....your babies are precious! I enjoyed this opportunity to capture you and your cutie pies. :) Can't wait to show you the rest soon! -Heidi
My son will be turning 5 in June. We recently had an opportunity to take some photos of him while visiting my sister in Minnesota. He actually cooperated for the chance to take some watercolor paints home from my sister if he took good pictures. :) Something in exchange. Always. We both got what we wanted.
It is illegal to print, scan and copy images. Images are protected under copyright laws and belong to Heidi McGowan Photography. Please do not attempt to copy and steal these images.
I am blessed to be a wife of an incredible man, a mommy of 2 sweet little ones, a hairstylist of almost 12 years, and loving this new adventure of a This "hobby" and small business of mine is meant to be fun which is why I am also taking a limited amount of sessions each month. If you are interested in a session and I am not available I do have a waiting list if something would happen to open up. I look forward to meeting you and your precious ones!